ZTC 7610 mobile phone from ZTC | Features, specifications, images of ZTC 7610 mobile phone from ZTC mobiles
ZTC 7610 mobile phone is a GSM phone. Form factor of this phone is bar. Display type of ZTC 7610 mobile is QCIF. It displays 65k colors. Size of this phone is given as 2.2 inches. Polyphonic and MIDI ringtones are possible on ZTC 7610 phone. It has vibration feature also. Phone book memory of this phone is given. Call log or call records feature is also seen. Battery of ZTC 7610 is given as standard Li Ion type. GPRS features are present. There is facility of USB port.
Games can be played on ZTC 7610 mobile phone. Voice recording feature is present. Mp3 player or support is also seen. Video player facility can also be enjoyed. Radio facility is provided. Camera of 0.3 megapixels is provided on ZTC 7610 mobile phone. Max photo resolution is given as 640 x 480. Messaging services of SMS, MMS and Email are provided on ZTC 7610 mobile phone. T9 dictionary can be used on this phone. Clock feature is seen on this phone. Alarm feature can be used. ZTC 7610 mobile phone is available in black, red and white colors. Organizer feature is provided.
Accessories provided are charger, USB cable and headset. Languages which can be seen on this phone are English/ Indian / Russian /Farsi / Bahasa Indonesia / Malay. Voice memo feature is also studded. Hands free facility can also be used. Calendar option is provided.
ZTC 7610 mobile phone is a GSM phone. Form factor of this phone is bar. Display type of ZTC 7610 mobile is QCIF. It displays 65k colors. Size of this phone is given as 2.2 inches. Polyphonic and MIDI ringtones are possible on ZTC 7610 phone. It has vibration feature also. Phone book memory of this phone is given. Call log or call records feature is also seen. Battery of ZTC 7610 is given as standard Li Ion type. GPRS features are present. There is facility of USB port.
Games can be played on ZTC 7610 mobile phone. Voice recording feature is present. Mp3 player or support is also seen. Video player facility can also be enjoyed. Radio facility is provided. Camera of 0.3 megapixels is provided on ZTC 7610 mobile phone. Max photo resolution is given as 640 x 480. Messaging services of SMS, MMS and Email are provided on ZTC 7610 mobile phone. T9 dictionary can be used on this phone. Clock feature is seen on this phone. Alarm feature can be used. ZTC 7610 mobile phone is available in black, red and white colors. Organizer feature is provided.
Accessories provided are charger, USB cable and headset. Languages which can be seen on this phone are English/ Indian / Russian /Farsi / Bahasa Indonesia / Malay. Voice memo feature is also studded. Hands free facility can also be used. Calendar option is provided.