AD430 model mobile phone from Aroma Mobiles | Features and specifications of AD430 mobile from Aroma mobiles
AD430 mobile phone from Aroma mobiles has dual SIM feature along with Bluetooth of A2DP type. It has 1.3 megapixels camera and is having the option of flash. Memory of the phone can be expanded up to 2GB. Video player and recorder is given on this phone which will support all file formats. It also has music player which also support multi formats. Stereo FM radio with recording options is given on the phone.
D400 model mobile phone from Aroma Mobiles | Features and specifications of D400 mobile from Aroma mobiles
D400 mobile phone from Aroma mobiles has slim design and is attracting with its design. It has dual SIM feature and multi format music player. Stereo FM radio is given on the phone. Camera of 2 megapixels capacity is provided on this D400 Aroma mobiles which has applications for MSN and face book. Bluetooth with FTP support is given on the phone.
D330 model mobile phone from Aroma Mobiles | Features and specifications of D330 mobile from Aroma mobiles
D330 mobile phone from Aroma mobiles has dual SIM feature and video player. Video player also supports 3GP. Memory of the phone can be expanded up to 2GB. Stereo FM radio is given on the phone. Digital camera is provided on this D330 Aroma mobiles which has Li Ion 1000mAh battery.
AD335 model mobile phone from Aroma Mobiles | Features and specifications of AD335 mobile from Aroma mobiles
AD335 mobile phone from Aroma mobiles has dual SIM feature and has TFT touch screen of 2.0” size. Video player is provided along with recording options. Stereo FM radio is given on the phone along with recording options. Digital camera is provided on this AD335 Aroma mobiles which has Bluetooth and torch light.
D110 model mobile phone from Aroma Mobiles | Features and specifications of D110 mobile from Aroma mobiles
D110 mobile phone from Aroma mobiles has dual SIM feature and has TFT touch screen of 2.4” size. Music player provided on this phone is multi format player. Video player is provided along with recording options. Stereo FM radio is given on the phone. Digital camera is provided along with flash on this D110 Aroma mobiles which has Bluetooth and torch light.
AD410 model mobile phone from Aroma Mobiles | Features and specifications of AD410 mobile from Aroma mobiles
AD410 mobile phone from Aroma mobiles has dual SIM feature. Video player is provided along with support to 3GP. Stereo FM radio is given on the phone. Digital camera is provided on this AD410 Aroma mobiles which has Li Ion 1000mAh battery. Memory of the phone is expandable up to 2GB.
AD555 model mobile phone from Aroma Mobiles | Features and specifications of AD555 mobile from Aroma mobiles
AD555 mobile phone from Aroma mobiles has dual SIM feature. Music player of this phone is multi format type. Screen is QVGA type with 2.2” size. Stereo FM radio is given on the phone with recording options. Video player with recording options are also provided. A2DP Bluetooth is provided on this AD555 Aroma mobiles which has MSN and Facebook applications.